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At Cornerstone we desire to grow in our faith and in relationship with one another.  Whether it's our Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry, Multiply Discipleship Group or any of our other groups we want to get to know you and provide you the resources to continue to grow in your relationship with God.

District School of Ministry

We offer District School of Ministry classes at Cornerstone.  We believe that it is the job of the local church to raise up the next generation of Pastors, Worship Leaders and Leaders of the Church of the Future.  Under the guidance and direction of the Northern New England District of the Assemblies of God we offer licensing classes to start you on your path.

To find out more, please contact us.


Tuesdays - Men's Book Study - No More Mr. Nice Guy - every other Tuesday at 6:30 at Cornerstone.

Wednesdays - Women's Bible Study on Ruth - Every other Wednesday @ 6:30

Thursdays - Beautiful Restoration - a time of prayer and worship - in Swanton from 6-9

Thursdays - Don't Set a Place for the Enemy at Your Table - winning the battle of your mind - starting Oct. 17th at 6 pm at Cornerstone

Sundays - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus - after church on Sundays @ Cornerstone.

Develop the Leader in You

In addition to our DSOM classes, we offer discipleship opportunities for those interested in honing their leadership skills or trying something new.  If you are ready to discover the leader in you....connect with us.

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